We have a wealth of experience presenting research data for both industry and consumer audiences. By combining an informed approach to data with a graphic sensibility, we are able to extract, amplify and present the stories you want to tell; and help users draw useful insights.
My Transexual Summer
This report into Changing Public Attitudes focused on the impact of this headline-grabbing Channel 4 series following the intimate stories of seven Transexual's.
The report's layout entwined quotes, facts and figures around the stories of the programme’s subjects to create easily digestible summaries of viewing figures, social impact and wider reactions.
Public Value Report
With an industry and regulatory audience in mind, the design of this substantial Channel 4 report needed to present a rich array of data in a clear and accessible way, detailing viewing figures and audience share, together with the compelling stories of the participants.
Foursight | Channel 4 Tribes